Friday, May 6, 2011

The Salt Book

So occasionally since I started this blogging business I get emails from people keen to have me promote their book or product. I have decided that this is a compliment - apparently they believe enough people might want to check out what's going on here to make it worth their while.

I usually say no because I'm not really expecting to make money here and it just seems like another thing to add to my already expansive list of 'Things to Do'.

And then it occurred to me this morning when I got an email about 'The Salt Book' that perhaps if there are any dollars in it I could do something useful with them - like give to one of the charities I support. And so here it is.

If there happens to be any commission come my way on this one I will give it to Bush Church Aid, a great organisation that ministers to remote communities throughout Australia - you can check them out here

You all know that I'm a cookbook junkie and am currently on a cookbook diet - not allowed to buy any more until I cook more from what I already have (this excludes gifts, and massive bargains Husband dear :)

And I haven't actually had my hot little hands on The Salt Book but I have to say it looks interesting, definitely something I'd pick up in a bookstore to inspect further - especially as the Husband has a salt addiction that I suspect will need curbing at some time in the future...

so if learning further about salt would be helpful to you please feel free to inspect it further. The picture is a link to their site.

Have a great day,



  1. It's a really interesting book! There is the recipe for Joel Robuchon's pommes puree which is amazing (albeit with a tonne of butter :P )

  2. What a great cause. I'm much the same with cookbooks -my boyfriend has forbidden me to buy anymore unless I have tried most of the recipes in my other ones unless I REALLY REALLY need it!

  3. Amazing variety of salt to cook with. If anything I'm a little more confused from all the new flavours for salads and sauce :(
